Victim/Witness Assistance

The Wayne County Victim Witness Assistance Program (WCVWAP) is a program within the Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office that serves all victims of crimes committed in Wayne County. The mission of the WCVWAP is to reduce the trauma crime…

Services Provided
Our Victim/Witness Assistance Program provides the following: Providing information regarding individual case status Notification of court dates pertaining to your case Providing information regarding the criminal justice process Courtroom support…

Testifying Tips
If you are required to testify, here are some helpful pointers: Dress appropriately and make sure clothes are clean. Pants and long sleeved shirts are best for men and women. Try to cover up tattoos, and remove piercings, as both can be…

Useful Links
The Ohio Victims of Crime Compensation Program in the Ohio Attorney General’s Office helps victims with certain out-of-pocket expenses caused when people are physically injured, emotionally harmed or killed by violent criminal acts. Applications are…